Fluoride and water fluoridation
Fluoride is a poison that should be avoided in dental products, in food and in water
- a) Fluoride’s many harmful effects: bones, connective tissue, thyroid, the brain, bone cancer
- b) Uses of fluoride in dentistry include toothpastes, gels, gum treatments, mouth rises, varnish, materials. These uses should all be avoided.
- c) Other sources of fluoride: our non-organic food and drinks, in 8% of all drugs, industrial pollution and air pollution.
- d) To avoid fluoride, eat only organic food and avoid toothpastes and other dental products that have fluoride. Drink and cook with non-fluoridated water such as a good quality spring water. Avoid fluoroquinolone antibiotics and other fluorinated drugs.
- f) To detoxify fluoride, supplement with iodine, the beneficial, essential halogen element, as it helps drive out the toxic halogen elements, both fluoride and bromide.
Fluoride is a poison found in dentistry and elsewhere.
Fluoride is a poison that is so widely used in toothpastes and as an addition to the drinking water that it is hard for people to take in and accept the fact that it is quite poisonous and all exposures to fluoride should be avoided and its use in dentistry and medicine should be minimized and probably banned. Since holistic dentists are aware of all of the health aspects of dentistry, they generally avoid the use of fluoride toothpastes, gels, rinses and varnishes, simply in order to avoid the slow poisoning of the patient.
The element fluorine is the most reactive non-metallic element in the periodic table and so the pure element is not normally found in nature but, rather it is naturally found combined with calcium, to form calcium fluoride, the rock, fluorite, or combined with an alkali element like sodium or potassium for form a more soluble salt. In such compounds, the fluorine atom accepts an electron from the metal and becomes a “fluoride” ion; that fluoride ion is the germ-killing poison that is active in a fluoride containing toothpaste. But the fluoride ion is more poisonous than a lead ion and almost as toxic as an arsenic ion. We shouldn’t expose ourselves to any such poisons. In larger amounts, fluoride can quickly poison, causing disability and death. In regular lower doses, its harm is slower and therefore often escapes detection, even by doctors and dentists, who you might think would know this hazard.
Regular low-dose use of fluoride causes the accumulation of fluoride in teeth, bones, connective tissue but also filter organs like the kidneys and the pineal gland. It makes the collagen protein that makes up the teeth, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin and gums more brittle, contributing to sports injuries and, especially later in life, fractures, aches and pains such as are seen in arthritis. It harms, teeth, rather than helping them, causing a rampant problem known as “dental fluorosis.” Fluoride heavily damages the thyroid gland, and thus is one of the causes of the thyroid disorders that are found in 22 million Americans. Animal studies show that fluoride damages brain function and behavioral patterns in test animals, and 53 studies have now found that higher levels of fluoride in the drinking water are associated with lower levels of intelligence in the children in a community, resulting in more children with subnormal intelligence and fewer children with superior intelligence.
Fluoride is known to have a “synergy” with aluminum meaning that, together, the aluminum – fluoride combination is much more damaging to health than would be expected from merely adding their harmful effects together. In fact, fluoride greatly increases the uptake of aluminum into the brain and into the kidneys, and the combination causes brain tissue abnormalities in test animals that look just like Alzheimer’s disease. Fluoride accumulation promotes hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease. It is the main cause of an uncommon but deadly form of cancer in boys and young men, called osteosarcoma. It raises the incidence of Downs Syndrome among babies born to younger mothers.
To top it all off, there is no dental benefit from the addition of a fluoride product to the drinking water. We have come to understand that water fluoridation is simply a scam. In most instances, the water fluoridation product is hazardous wastes from phosphate fertilizer plants; it is their most toxic pollution product that they are not allowed to vent out into the air or dump into the nearby river or bay. The fact that the US Center for Disease Control hypes and promotes water fluoridation and that the state health departments (that CDC funds) dutifully follow the same scam message and that the mainstream media dutifully parrots the same scam message doesn’t change that basic fact that it is a scam.
Fluoride is a poison that is so widely used in toothpastes and as an addition to the drinking water that it is hard for people to take in and accept the fact that it is quite poisonous and all exposures to fluoride should be avoided and its use in dentistry and medicine should be minimized and probably banned. Since holistic dentists are aware of all of the health aspects of dentistry, they generally avoid the use of fluoride toothpastes, gels, rinses and varnishes, simply in order to avoid the slow poisoning of the patient.
The element fluorine is the most reactive non-metallic element in the periodic table and so the pure element is not normally found in nature but, rather it is naturally found combined with calcium, to form calcium fluoride, the rock, fluorite, or combined with an alkali element like sodium or potassium for form a more soluble salt. In such compounds, the fluorine atom accepts an electron from the metal and becomes a “fluoride” ion; that fluoride ion is the germ-killing poison that is active in a fluoride containing toothpaste. But the fluoride ion is more poisonous than a lead ion and almost as toxic as an arsenic ion. We shouldn’t expose ourselves to any such poisons. In larger amounts, fluoride can quickly poison, causing disability and death. In regular lower doses, its harm is slower and therefore often escapes detection, even by doctors and dentists, who you might think would know this hazard.
Regular low-dose use of fluoride causes the accumulation of fluoride in teeth, bones, connective tissue but also filter organs like the kidneys and the pineal gland. It makes the collagen protein that makes up the teeth, bones, cartilage, tendons, ligaments, skin and gums more brittle, contributing to sports injuries and, especially later in life, fractures, aches and pains such as are seen in arthritis. It harms, teeth, rather than helping them, causing a rampant problem known as “dental fluorosis.” Fluoride heavily damages the thyroid gland, and thus is one of the causes of the thyroid disorders that are found in 22 million Americans. Animal studies show that fluoride damages brain function and behavioral patterns in test animals, and 53 studies have now found that higher levels of fluoride in the drinking water are associated with lower levels of intelligence in the children in a community, resulting in more children with subnormal intelligence and fewer children with superior intelligence.
Fluoride is known to have a “synergy” with aluminum meaning that, together, the aluminum – fluoride combination is much more damaging to health than would be expected from merely adding their harmful effects together. In fact, fluoride greatly increases the uptake of aluminum into the brain and into the kidneys, and the combination causes brain tissue abnormalities in test animals that look just like Alzheimer’s disease. Fluoride accumulation promotes hardening of the arteries and cardiovascular disease. It is the main cause of an uncommon but deadly form of cancer in boys and young men, called osteosarcoma. It raises the incidence of Downs Syndrome among babies born to younger mothers.
To top it all off, there is no dental benefit from the addition of a fluoride product to the drinking water. We have come to understand that water fluoridation is simply a scam. In most instances, the water fluoridation product is hazardous wastes from phosphate fertilizer plants; it is their most toxic pollution product that they are not allowed to vent out into the air or dump into the nearby river or bay. The fact that the US Center for Disease Control hypes and promotes water fluoridation and that the state health departments (that CDC funds) dutifully follow the same scam message and that the mainstream media dutifully parrots the same scam message doesn’t change that basic fact that it is a scam.
Food for thought Does the widespread use of fluoride in dentistry and the practice of water fluoridation really means that our government is more corrupt than most people would assume? And that the mainstream media, that most people count on to tell them that basic truth about important things, is also more corrupt than most people would imagine?
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Disclaimer: Our focus is on educating the layperson, the layperson, and DAMS does not operate dental or medical clinics and DAMS does not provide dental or medical advice. As an example, DAMS will not tell you why a tooth is hurting or what to do about that tooth; DAMS will not give you a dental treatment plan; only your dentist can do that, upon examination. DAMS only provides general educational information and a reader will normally need to consult a knowledgeable dentist or other practitioner to discus whether and how and whether the information presented here should be applied.
Naturally, some people feel like bringing a lawsuit against a responsible party, such as a dentist, an amalgam manufacturer, the American Dental Association, or the Food and Drug Administration, for causing the mercury poisoning. The road can be difficult and most such efforts have not been successful. We are familiar with a number of legal cases that have been brought in the past and have written articles about them in our newsletter. However, please know that we do not practice law and or we do not offer legal services; If you are seeking legal advice, you must consult an attorney, preferably one who is very knowledgeable in this area of law. |