Recovering Your Health
Recovering your health is a process of detoxifying the mercury poisoning already accumulated in your body and choosing safer and healthier dental options in the future.
Step 1. Safe removal of mercury fillings and choosing a suitable dentist |
Step 1
Choosing a dentist and assuring safe removal of mercury fillings
A great many people who contact DAMS have made the mistake of letting a “regular” dentist be the one to remove the amalgam fillings. Unsafe removal often results in a worsening of symptoms and, all too often, the appearance of new symptoms and new health problems.
DAMS can provide you with its list of biological dentists in your state, region or country. Let us help you.
DAMS can provide you with its list of biological dentists in your state, region or country. Let us help you.
Why a “biological” dentist is needed in order to assure that the mercury amalgam filling removal be safe
A great many people who contact DAMS have made the mistake of letting a “regular” dentist be the one to remove the amalgam fillings. Unsafe removal often results in a worsening of symptoms and maybe even the appearance of new symptoms and new disorders. Don’t make that mistake! Think of hiring a lead abatement expert or an asbestos removal expert for your building. You don’t want to hire an incompetent contractor who will make a mess out of the job. With amalgam filling removal, a dentist is going to do a mercury material abatement and you don’t want that dentist to make a mercury vapor and amalgam particle mess in your mouth. DAMS can provide you with its list of holistic dentists in your state or country and we encourage to screen them further: where did they get their training that taught them about safe amalgam removal? There are three academies that train and educate the biological, holistic dentists: the IAOMT, the IABDM and the Holistic Dental Association. IAOMT has a new, improved protocol for teaches the newcomer dentists how to remove amalgam fillings safely enough; it is called the SMART and it offers a SMART certificate to those dentists that complete the training and obtain the needed equipment. The IABDM has a similar program that is calls the PROTECT PROTOCOL, and provides a certificate to those that complete their program.
Here are just some of the patient protections that need to be in place:
A great many people who contact DAMS have made the mistake of letting a “regular” dentist be the one to remove the amalgam fillings. Unsafe removal often results in a worsening of symptoms and maybe even the appearance of new symptoms and new disorders. Don’t make that mistake! Think of hiring a lead abatement expert or an asbestos removal expert for your building. You don’t want to hire an incompetent contractor who will make a mess out of the job. With amalgam filling removal, a dentist is going to do a mercury material abatement and you don’t want that dentist to make a mercury vapor and amalgam particle mess in your mouth. DAMS can provide you with its list of holistic dentists in your state or country and we encourage to screen them further: where did they get their training that taught them about safe amalgam removal? There are three academies that train and educate the biological, holistic dentists: the IAOMT, the IABDM and the Holistic Dental Association. IAOMT has a new, improved protocol for teaches the newcomer dentists how to remove amalgam fillings safely enough; it is called the SMART and it offers a SMART certificate to those dentists that complete the training and obtain the needed equipment. The IABDM has a similar program that is calls the PROTECT PROTOCOL, and provides a certificate to those that complete their program.
Here are just some of the patient protections that need to be in place:
- A physical curtain, called a dam, usually made out of nitrile, is used to provide barrier between the dentist and the tooth having the amalgam removed and the rest of the patient’s mouth and face. The tooth being worked on fits through a slit in the “dam” curtain. This dam blocks the amalgam particle splatter that would otherwise spatter into the patient’s mouth. Another physical barrier that can be used is a product called Clean-up that fits around a tooth being worked on; it even has an aspirating arm that draws mercury vapor and fine amalgam particles away from the amalgam in the tooth being worked on.
- There should be a system to continuously remove mercury vapor from the aid: either an electron spray system that allows mercury to become negatively charged and collected at a positively charged plate, or a high volume air vacuum system.
- Goggles protect the patient’s eyes and a disposable garment to is draped over the patient’s head hair and clothing.
- A clean air supply is provided for the patient to breathe through a nasal canula.
- Patients are often provided with activated charcoal to drink before the amalgam removal is done in order to bind fine amalgam particles that have been inadvertently been swallowed.
- After the removal of an amalgam, the patient is allowed to rinse and spit with a water that has clorella or some other mercury binder in it. The rinse and spit allows mercury and amalgam particles floating around in the patient's mouth to be bound up with the chlorella so that it is spit out instead of being swallowed.
The biological dentist is more likely to use adequate skill in placing the new, white fillings properly, so that the new fillings last much longer. The biological dentist is also more likely to take care in choosing a biologically compatible filling product so it does not cause adverse health effects or allergies for the patient.
Step 2
Detoxification of mercury that has accumulated in the body
How does a patient detoxify mercury and recover health?
There are lengthy articles and entire books that address this question, so we will only make some quick comments and tips here. Good detoxification is done with an emphasis on going with slow, safe and gentle methods and does not push for a high-speed, quick success. The use of highly touted drugs like DMPS and DMSA, which dominated detox in the 1990s, are now usually bypassed in favor of more gentle, more natural products such as what are sold by Quicksilver Scientific (QS). A patient should prepare for a safe dental amalgam removal and should have it done by a holistic, biological dentist. Do not expect your dentist to coach you through the process of detoxification because detoxification goes beyond the mouth and is outside of the dentist's scope of practice. Allow a week or more for the body to adjust to the changes and , in going into "active" detoxification, start one new product at a time and keep a health journal to evaluate how well the product of method is working out. Dosage of detox products should be done done so as to “start low and go slow" and that means increasing the dosage only gradually, keeping the process manageable for the body's natural elimination systems to keep up with . If a dosage increase causes a problem, be prepared to back down to a lower dose. A good detox program is individually tailored to the patient and so “one size fits all” recipes for detox are not to be slavishly followed. First, look for products and methods that are safe and gentle and make sense to you and then find a practitioner to help take you there, not the other way around. Know where you are heading before you sign on to a practitioner's program. It might be better to have no practitioner or coach at all than to pick the wrong practitioner, one who does you more harm than good. Continue on the vitamins and minerals that you used to prepare for your safe amalgam removal. They are still very helpful. Some of these, like vitamin C and magnesium, should probably be taken indefinitely.
Epsom Salts for Detoxification
Epsom salt baths and baths with epsom salts and baking soda continue to be helpful for ongoing detox. Saunas are also a fine aid to detox and work well for most patients; don’t over-do the heat levels or the time spent, and because and shower off the sweat so that you don’t let the toxins re-absorb back into your skin.
Detoxification with Enzymes
Ideally, the body can mobilize the mercury and other toxic metals at the cellular level and QS has products that help do that. Glutathione and the glutathione system of enzymes is used to pick up a mercury atom, escort it out of the cells into the blood and carry it down to the liver. There are products that help to boost glutathione level, including nanosomal - with very tiny invisible capsules - that spray like a liquid into the mouth; and be absorbed well, starting in the mouth. There are products that help “push” the bile along through a stagnant liver and gall bladder, and get the bile through the gall bladder and into the small intestines . Once the bile, carrying its load of toxic metals, makes it into the small intestines, we need to have chlorella (a green algae) or some such binder to be there to bind up the mercury so as to prevent it from being re-absorbed back into the body through nerve endings and capillary blood vessels that are found in the intestinal walls. Quicksilver Scientific has a powerful binder product called IMD, Intestinal Metal Detoxification, that serves as an excellent binder of mercury and other toxic metals.
Detoxification by Improving Your Body's Digestive and Elimination Systems
Some patients are constipated and this problem is common. There are products such as certain herbs and even foods that can help normalize the bowel movements. Some patients need to improve liver or kidney function in order to get these organs to work well as your major organ of elimination. Silymarin, an extract of milk thistle seed, is most commonly used to help improve the function of these organs; there are herbal blends that are also commonly used.
Fulvic acid and humic acid are natural organic substances from decayed plant matter; they are found in soil naturally. Fulvic acid and humic acid are excellent ingredients that are used in many detox products.
There are lengthy articles and entire books that address this question, so we will only make some quick comments and tips here. Good detoxification is done with an emphasis on going with slow, safe and gentle methods and does not push for a high-speed, quick success. The use of highly touted drugs like DMPS and DMSA, which dominated detox in the 1990s, are now usually bypassed in favor of more gentle, more natural products such as what are sold by Quicksilver Scientific (QS). A patient should prepare for a safe dental amalgam removal and should have it done by a holistic, biological dentist. Do not expect your dentist to coach you through the process of detoxification because detoxification goes beyond the mouth and is outside of the dentist's scope of practice. Allow a week or more for the body to adjust to the changes and , in going into "active" detoxification, start one new product at a time and keep a health journal to evaluate how well the product of method is working out. Dosage of detox products should be done done so as to “start low and go slow" and that means increasing the dosage only gradually, keeping the process manageable for the body's natural elimination systems to keep up with . If a dosage increase causes a problem, be prepared to back down to a lower dose. A good detox program is individually tailored to the patient and so “one size fits all” recipes for detox are not to be slavishly followed. First, look for products and methods that are safe and gentle and make sense to you and then find a practitioner to help take you there, not the other way around. Know where you are heading before you sign on to a practitioner's program. It might be better to have no practitioner or coach at all than to pick the wrong practitioner, one who does you more harm than good. Continue on the vitamins and minerals that you used to prepare for your safe amalgam removal. They are still very helpful. Some of these, like vitamin C and magnesium, should probably be taken indefinitely.
Epsom Salts for Detoxification
Epsom salt baths and baths with epsom salts and baking soda continue to be helpful for ongoing detox. Saunas are also a fine aid to detox and work well for most patients; don’t over-do the heat levels or the time spent, and because and shower off the sweat so that you don’t let the toxins re-absorb back into your skin.
Detoxification with Enzymes
Ideally, the body can mobilize the mercury and other toxic metals at the cellular level and QS has products that help do that. Glutathione and the glutathione system of enzymes is used to pick up a mercury atom, escort it out of the cells into the blood and carry it down to the liver. There are products that help to boost glutathione level, including nanosomal - with very tiny invisible capsules - that spray like a liquid into the mouth; and be absorbed well, starting in the mouth. There are products that help “push” the bile along through a stagnant liver and gall bladder, and get the bile through the gall bladder and into the small intestines . Once the bile, carrying its load of toxic metals, makes it into the small intestines, we need to have chlorella (a green algae) or some such binder to be there to bind up the mercury so as to prevent it from being re-absorbed back into the body through nerve endings and capillary blood vessels that are found in the intestinal walls. Quicksilver Scientific has a powerful binder product called IMD, Intestinal Metal Detoxification, that serves as an excellent binder of mercury and other toxic metals.
Detoxification by Improving Your Body's Digestive and Elimination Systems
Some patients are constipated and this problem is common. There are products such as certain herbs and even foods that can help normalize the bowel movements. Some patients need to improve liver or kidney function in order to get these organs to work well as your major organ of elimination. Silymarin, an extract of milk thistle seed, is most commonly used to help improve the function of these organs; there are herbal blends that are also commonly used.
Fulvic acid and humic acid are natural organic substances from decayed plant matter; they are found in soil naturally. Fulvic acid and humic acid are excellent ingredients that are used in many detox products.
NBMI is a good mercury chelator for detoxification
Boyd Haley, an American biochemist, has developed a great chelator product for removing mercury from the body. It was once successfully sold as a supplement called OSR but in 2010 the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, deciding that its was too successful andtoo helpful to allow it to continue being sold, forced Haley's company to take the product off the market and put it through their drug approval process. When it is finally approved, it will be the only drug that has FDA approval as a detoxifier for acute mercury poisoning. The acronym for this product's chemical name is NBMI and the product's the drug name Irminix. It will be widely useful in this toxic world we live in. Most researchers and doctors expect that NBMI is far safer and more effective for mercury detox than DMPS, DMSA or EDTA are, as none of these are good chelators of mercury. (EDTA is a good chelator of lead).The FDA has not moved at "warp speed" when it comes to approval of NBMI, as it has been in the FDA's approval process since year 2010.
Note: to learn more about NBMI (Irminix) go to the company’s web site, Read about early access, i.e. access to this product before FDA approval is given for general marketing.
Boyd Haley, an American biochemist, has developed a great chelator product for removing mercury from the body. It was once successfully sold as a supplement called OSR but in 2010 the Food and Drug Administration, the FDA, deciding that its was too successful andtoo helpful to allow it to continue being sold, forced Haley's company to take the product off the market and put it through their drug approval process. When it is finally approved, it will be the only drug that has FDA approval as a detoxifier for acute mercury poisoning. The acronym for this product's chemical name is NBMI and the product's the drug name Irminix. It will be widely useful in this toxic world we live in. Most researchers and doctors expect that NBMI is far safer and more effective for mercury detox than DMPS, DMSA or EDTA are, as none of these are good chelators of mercury. (EDTA is a good chelator of lead).The FDA has not moved at "warp speed" when it comes to approval of NBMI, as it has been in the FDA's approval process since year 2010.
Note: to learn more about NBMI (Irminix) go to the company’s web site, Read about early access, i.e. access to this product before FDA approval is given for general marketing.
Step 3
Choosing Safer Dental Alternatives in the Future
DAMS can provide you with a list of holistic dentists in your state, region or country.
What is the best filling material, and product, to use to replace amalgams with,
or for a new filling when one is needed?

There is no consensus among holistic dentists as to what white filling material is best., but most of them have a short list of three or for filling materials they will choose from. They are such materials as Admira Fusion, made by a German company, VOCO; Kalore; Point 4; and Filtek Z-350. Denmat makes a holistic version of Geristore and it is called Holistore. Holistore is usually very biocompatible but it is not a strong or durable material so it is used in smaller fillings and on non-chewing surfaces and for the more delicate, chemically sensitive patients.
How about gold? In choosing a material, holistic dentists these days avoid using a gold material because the body does not naturally have metallic body parts, and because metals tend to create electrical battery effects and produce electric currents. The voltages and currents that are generate have a disruptive effect on the brain and the nervous system, creating such problems as dizziness, difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating. Amalgams themselves create a battery effect and these electrical effects caused by amalgams are one of the problems that bother the patients who have them. So, we suggest avoidance of gold and other metal alloys.
What's newer? The newest material mentioned here is the Admira Fusion which is a new technology, as it has no plastic resin; therefore Admira Fusionit cannot give off bisphenol A (BPA) which is an endocrine disrupter that is associated with estrogenic effects and may possibly increase the risk of breast cancer and other hormone related cancers. Biological dentists seem to find Admira Fusion to be durable, aesthetically pleasing and easy to work with.
How about gold? In choosing a material, holistic dentists these days avoid using a gold material because the body does not naturally have metallic body parts, and because metals tend to create electrical battery effects and produce electric currents. The voltages and currents that are generate have a disruptive effect on the brain and the nervous system, creating such problems as dizziness, difficulty sleeping and difficulty concentrating. Amalgams themselves create a battery effect and these electrical effects caused by amalgams are one of the problems that bother the patients who have them. So, we suggest avoidance of gold and other metal alloys.
What's newer? The newest material mentioned here is the Admira Fusion which is a new technology, as it has no plastic resin; therefore Admira Fusionit cannot give off bisphenol A (BPA) which is an endocrine disrupter that is associated with estrogenic effects and may possibly increase the risk of breast cancer and other hormone related cancers. Biological dentists seem to find Admira Fusion to be durable, aesthetically pleasing and easy to work with.
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DAMS is a 501(c)(3) US federally tax exempt educational organization.
© DAMS, Inc. All Rights Reserved. |
Disclaimer: Our focus is on educating the layperson, the layperson, and DAMS does not operate dental or medical clinics and DAMS does not provide dental or medical advice. As an example, DAMS will not tell you why a tooth is hurting or what to do about that tooth; DAMS will not give you a dental treatment plan; only your dentist can do that, upon examination. DAMS only provides general educational information and a reader will normally need to consult a knowledgeable dentist or other practitioner to discus whether and how and whether the information presented here should be applied.
Naturally, some people feel like bringing a lawsuit against a responsible party, such as a dentist, an amalgam manufacturer, the American Dental Association, or the Food and Drug Administration, for causing the mercury poisoning. The road can be difficult and most such efforts have not been successful. We are familiar with a number of legal cases that have been brought in the past and have written articles about them in our newsletter. However, please know that we do not practice law and or we do not offer legal services; If you are seeking legal advice, you must consult an attorney, preferably one who is very knowledgeable in this area of law. |